Accelerate and
Elevate Document
Quality with Fluiscribe
Regulated companies are spending excessive resources on documentation. Fluiscribe utilizes Generative AI to continuously review documents while they are being written so you get them right the first time.
Decrease the likelihood of mistakes and rejections during QA
Accelerate writing and reviewing by getting wording correct the first time
Units waiting on approval of records will be out the door much faster
Reduce the risk of human error with AI
Less repetitive work and more cognitively challenging tasks will be enabled
Fluiscribe leverages state-of-the-art models to give users personalized and contextualized feedback
Fluiscribe can be integrated into browsers and existing software solutions
Fluiscribe is a web-based software that works on both desktop and mobile devices
Fluiscribe can be customized to fit your exact use case
Fluiscribe can be deployed anywhere, including your own infrastructure
We are passionate technologists who have
extensive experience
working with state-of-the-art technologies, especially AI